a lake in the Alps

Here are some photos I have taken. You can find more here. Most of them are licensed under the Creative Commons License, meaning you can freely use them with proper attribution (=just add my name).


MECORE closing workshop, Konstanz, 2024

Linguistics of Political Discourse summer school, Graz, 2024

Workshop "Polar Question Meaning Across Languages", Amsterdam, 2024

The Acquaintance Inference Workshop, Konstanz, 2022

NASSLLI summer school, Los Angeles, 2022

Workshop "Differentiating contents", Pittsburgh, 2015


The Alps, a collection of favorites

The Colorado Trail, USA, 2018

The Pacific Crest Trail (Oregon and Washington), USA, 2017

Yosemite National Park, California, USA, a collection of favorites

Denali National Park, Alaska, USA, 2012-2013


