a lake in the Alps
mailing lists
  • LinguistList: all things linguistics
  • Liverpool Philosophy: all things philosophy
  • Semantik: all things semantics
  • FoLLI: the Association for Language, Logic and Information

  • open access and open science The Open Access movement is gaining momentum in linguistics, its ultimate goal being to provide access to published research to everyone regardless of their institutional affiliation.
  • OA journals in linguistics (list maintained by my Konstanz colleague George Walkden)
  • Language Science Press: OA scholarly publisching house
  • Linguistics in OA: a non-profit that facilitates OA publishing in linguistics

  • online repositories for papers and data Free online repositories promote early research dissemination.
  • LingBuzz: papers in linguistics
  • Rutgers Optimality Archive: work on optimality theory, mostly phonology
  • Semantics Archive: papers in semantics
  • PhilPapers: papers in philosophy
  • TROLLing: The Tromsø Repository of Language and Lingustics
  • Clarin-D: infrastructure for storing and archiving linguistic data
  • Center for Open Science: organization that creates several products that facilitate data management, project workflow and research collaboration

  • summer schools

    Below I list some of the summer schools I have good knowledge of. The list is not exhaustive, and I'm sure there are other events! Here is a resource that lists summer schools in Europe in a variety of fields, not limited to linguistics or philosophy.

  • ESSLLI: European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information, courses on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation (annual, two weeks)
  • NASSLLI: North American Summer School on Logic, Language and Information, courses in logic, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, and philosophy (biannual, one week)
  • LSA's summer institute: all core areas of linguistics, ranging from introductory to advanced (biannual, one month)
  • Creteling: Crete Summer School of Linguistics all core areas of linguistics (annual)
  • Naxos Summer School on Diachronic Linguistics (annual)
  • NYI: The New York—Saint Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture (annual; recent editions held online)
  • EGG: the Eastern Generative Grammar summer school (annual, two weeks)
  • LOT summer and winter schools: organized by the Netherlands Graduate School in Linguistics, hosted on rotating basis in the Netherlands and Flanders (twice per year, two weeks)
  • Central European University's Summer University: a series of intensive classes in social sciences and humanities, including philosophy (Budapest, annual)
  • Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students: Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (annual)
  • Hamburg Summer School in Philosophy (annual, one week)
  • Cologne Summer School in Philosophy (annual, one week)
  • YALP: Yerevan Academy in Linguistics and Philosophy

  • general resources
  • Is this a good time for formal semantics? (a short video interview with Barbara Partee)
  • Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics: online class by Chris Potts, including readings, assignments and YouTube videos
  • 40 classic readings in formal semantics and pragmatics (by Frank Veltman)
  • Lambda calculator: a tool to practice derivations in lambda calculus
  • PennController: a toolkit for online collection of experimental data in linguistics (and not only)
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: a classic starting point for any inquiries about philosophical matters

  • cross-linguistic resources and tools
  • Ethnologue: comprehensive information about each language and language family
  • EWAVE: the Electronic World Atlas of the Varieties of English
  • SSWL: Syntactic Structures of the World's languages database, gathered from work with native speakers
  • WALS: the World Atlas of Language Structures, gathered from descriptive materials
  • Maps
  • Tools for fieldwork: a collection of resources for linguistic fieldwork, inlcuding questionnaires, storyboards and glossing rules
  • other typological databases and resources, including freely available grammars
  • The Aphranaph project: an online resource for resource on African languages, initially on anaphora

  • podcasts
  • Lingthusiasm: all things lingustics, for everyone
  • Accentricity: issues related to language and identity
  • The Vocal Fries: linguistic discrimination
  • The Allusionist: English language, lexicon, etymology; check out this review on the Guardian
  • Philosophy Bites: all things philosophy, mostly for an academic listener
  • Philosophy takes on the news
  • Public Philosophy: the series intended to engage a wider audience beyond academia
  • 100+ list of philsoophy-themed podcasts from Daily Nous

  • for non-specialists
  • What is linguistics: from the Linguistic Society of America
  • Miracles of Human Language: a free online introduction to linguistics (Coursera also offers an optional certificate for a fee, but the class is free otherwise)
  • Gretchen McCulloch "Because Internet": a popular book about how the language is changing (a review on the New York Times)
  • What Trump's speech may reveal about his democratic committments (Washington Post)
  • 7 things you should know about sign language (Mental Floss)
  • Why do cartoon villains speak in foreign accents? (The Atlantic)
  • Do you speak American?: Public Broadcasting Service on various linguistic issues, such as stereotypes associated with language in their prestige & predjudice articles, where they debunk myths about women's speech or bad language
  • Agora: a market place of ideas; the New Statesman's philosophy column
  • Black Lives Matter: a philosophy of language take on the slogan (Slate)
  • a collection of essays on the value of philosophy (Daily Nous)
  • Ian Olasov "Ask a philosopher": a popular book on philosophical underpinnings of even the most mundane questions
  • Philosophy Matters: a popular introduction, book-long

  • bias (gender and otherwise)
  • An annotated bibliography on gender bias in academia
  • LSA's committee on the status of women in linguistics
  • Gender distribution in linguistic subfields, journals, job searches (maintained by Ora Matushansky)
  • Bias in linguistics
  • Resources for, and about, women in philosophy (why so few, for example)

  • lightweight backpacking

    I love human-propelled travel in all forms, but long-distance hiking is my absolute passion. Here are some resources that can get one started and hopefully help to avoid some newbie mistakes: gear lists, recommendations, how-to's, trip reports and the general philosophy of being safe in the outdoors with less. If you've never backpacked, start here. Happy trails!

  • BackpackingLight
  • Alan Dixon
  • Christy Rosander
  • Erin "Wired" Saver
  • Andrew Skurka
  • Philip Werner